Frequently Asked Questions

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Welcome to the Leon County Roleplay Community.
Established in 2021, we are a community with an approach to realism, professionalism and life-based roleplay with family-orientated values. The administration and development team have spent countless hours creating standards above all other communities, to ensure our roleplay and procedures are accurate to real-life. Should you have any questions, ask away in the general chat and we shall happily respond.

The Administration Team withhold the right to remove a member from the community should they not uphold the community standards, lying or providing false information on your application may result in permanent denial/removal from the community. Please note we are a roleplaying community, we are not affiliated with any Law Enforcement or Government Agency.

Age limit
All members of Leon County Roleplay must be at least 18 years old, as outlined in

How do I join and become a member?
In order to join the community, you must complete an application at and perform a verbal onboarding if your application is successful. You will then be expected to review our recruit materials and handbook and perform an exam on this.

What do I need to patrol on Leon County?
In order to join LCRP, you must:
- Own a legal copy of GTA V (unless specifically applying for Dispatch)
- Own a computer capable of running TeamSpeak and Discord, along with a working headset and microphone that produces clear sound.
- Remain within the Community Discord at all times.
- Agree to follow all rules, regulations and policies at all times.

What departments are there?
Every member of the community joins as a Civilian and may apply for Law Enforcement, Fire & EMS, Consolidated Dispatch Agency, Development and the divisions of Onboarding Team, Legal and Judicial Team and Social Media Team. We do not have departments per say, they should be considered certifications. Staff and Administrators of these certifications are considered under an assignment as the department's chain of command.

Are you a Public Server or Whitelisted?
We are a whitelisted community where you must apply in order to become whitelisted.

I don't have a PC, but I have an Xbox or Playstation, can I still join LCRP?

LCRP does not operate on consoles, if you have a PC but is unable to operate GTA you are welcome to join our Dispatch Department.

How many servers do you have?
We run one patrol server, which utilises an economy (ESX) as a framework.

How do your callsigns work?
Every member of the community is given a three-digit identifier. Members utilise this regardless of what department they are patrolling as.

What Law Enforcement Departments do you have?
Members of the LEO Department may patrol as any of the four agencies we have, these are: San Andreas Highway Patrol, Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Los Santos Police Department, and, San Andreas Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Where do I apply?
Apply at on our forums. Register an account, submit an application and if successful you will become invited for a verbal onboarding with a member of our onboarding team.
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